Kat's Walks

This started as a blog to chronicle some of the more interesting walks I had done - mainly around London. But now it's more of a holiday, party, general merriment blog - with plenty of photos.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Not blogged for a while

I've not been on all that many walks in the past couple of months - been far too busy with other stuff.
Firstly, in October it was Ge's Hen Night - where we went to a Chinese restaurant in Tunbridge Wells with a Chinese Elvis! He was fab, and it was a top night

Then, right at the beginning of December, 18 of us took over three absoutely stunning cottages in Wooton on the Isle of Wight
It was three days and nights of drinking much wine and playing loads of games. On the Saturday some people went bowling and ice skating
- but Andy and me decided to got for a 'coastal walk' and got lost - no where near the coast.
In the evening we all had an early Xmas dinner of take-away Indian and Chinese together, with crackers and everything!

Visted the Needles on the Sunday morning, but everything was shut.

For those that were able to stay on the Monday, we visited Shanklin
- messed about a bit on the beach and had a lovely lunch in the Old Village - but once again, pretty much everything was shut.


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