Kat's Walks

This started as a blog to chronicle some of the more interesting walks I had done - mainly around London. But now it's more of a holiday, party, general merriment blog - with plenty of photos.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Making a mountain out of a molehill

Turn away now if you're squeamish..... well, actually it's not that bad.

I said goodbye to an old friend today - well, not so much an old friend, but a very annoying daily acquaintance.
I had the large mole removed from the middle of my back which I've had for as long as I can remember. It was mainly for cosmetic reasons, but it's taken years for me to get round to it - and it took all of 5 minutes to go!

After having an anaesthetic injected into my back, the doctor simply took a scalpel to it and 'shaved' it off. I didn't feel a thing, and only knew he was doing it by the movement of his arm.
I'm told there'll still be a mark there,. but it won't be as garish as the monstrosity that was there before.

As I write this, the anaesthetic is starting to wear off and I can feel it a bit, but I can't believe how simple and quick it was. Hope it heals OK and doesn't look too bad. Anyway - the doctor advised that if I was in any pain just to take a couple of paracetamol or a half of something... so on doctors orders, I'd better go and open a bottle of wine!


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